The Great Commission: Spreading the Message of the Gospel

The Great Commission

In the book of Mark, chapter 16, verses 15-16, Jesus gives his disciples a powerful command known as the Great Commission. This command serves as a guiding principle for Christians all over the world, reminding them of their responsibility to spread the message of the gospel to every person.

Go into All the World

Jesus begins by instructing his disciples to go into all the world. This simple yet profound command highlights the universal scope of the gospel message. It is not meant to be confined to a specific group or region but is intended for all people, regardless of their background, culture, or language.

As followers of Christ, we are called to step out of our comfort zones and share the good news with those around us. This may involve traveling to distant lands as missionaries or simply reaching out to our neighbors, coworkers, and friends in our own communities.

Preach the Gospel

The heart of the Great Commission is the call to preach the gospel. The gospel, which means “good news,” is the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is a message of hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation with God.

Preaching the gospel does not necessarily mean standing on a street corner and proclaiming it loudly. It can be done through various means, such as personal conversations, sharing testimonies, or even using modern technology to reach a wider audience.

Regardless of the method, the goal remains the same: to communicate the life-changing truth of the gospel to those who have not yet heard or understood it.

Believe and Be Saved

In verse 16, Jesus emphasizes the importance of belief and baptism. He states that those who believe in him and are baptized will be saved. This highlights the necessity of faith in Jesus as the only way to obtain salvation.

Belief is more than just intellectual assent; it involves a personal trust and surrender to Jesus as Lord and Savior. Baptism, on the other hand, is a symbolic act that represents our identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

Jesus makes it clear that salvation is available to all who believe and are willing to follow him. It is not based on our own efforts or good works but on the grace and mercy of God.

Those Who Do Not Believe

The Great Commission also highlights the consequences for those who do not believe. Jesus states that those who do not believe will be damned. This serves as a sobering reminder of the urgency and importance of sharing the gospel.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to share the message of salvation with others, knowing that their eternal destiny is at stake. While we cannot force anyone to believe, we can faithfully proclaim the truth and trust the Holy Spirit to work in their hearts.


The Great Commission is not just a command given to the disciples thousands of years ago; it is a call that still resonates with believers today. It is a reminder of our mission to go into all the world and share the life-changing message of the gospel with every person.

May we be faithful in fulfilling this commission, knowing that as we obey, God will work through us to bring salvation, hope, and transformation to those who have not yet heard or believed.

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