The Great Commission: Spreading the Gospel to All

The Great Commission: Spreading the Gospel to All

In the book of Mark, chapter 16, verses 15-16, it is recorded that Jesus gave his disciples a mission: to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. This command, known as the Great Commission, is a call for believers to share the message of salvation with everyone they encounter.

Sharing the Good News

At the heart of the Great Commission is the desire to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. The gospel, which means “good news,” is the message of God’s love and redemption for all people. It is a message of hope, forgiveness, and eternal life through faith in Jesus.

As followers of Christ, we are called to share this message with others. This can be done through various means, such as personal conversations, public preaching, writing, or even through the use of technology and social media. The important thing is that we are actively seeking opportunities to share the gospel and make disciples.

The Importance of Belief and Baptism

In verse 16 of Mark 16, Jesus makes it clear that belief and baptism are essential for salvation. He states, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” This emphasizes the importance of not only believing in Jesus but also publicly declaring that faith through baptism.

Belief in Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of the world is the foundation of our faith. It is through this belief that we receive the gift of salvation and are reconciled to God. Baptism, on the other hand, is an outward expression of our inward faith. It symbolizes our identification with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, and signifies our commitment to follow him.

Reaching Every Creature

When Jesus commanded his disciples to preach the gospel to every creature, he was not just referring to human beings. The word “creature” encompasses all living beings, including animals, and even the natural world. This reminds us that the message of salvation is not limited to humanity alone, but extends to all of God’s creation.

As stewards of the earth, we have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment. This includes sharing the message of God’s love and redemption with those who may not have a voice, such as animals and the natural world. By doing so, we reflect God’s heart for all of his creation and demonstrate our love and obedience to him.


The Great Commission is a call for all believers to actively share the gospel with others. It is a reminder of our mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to every person and every corner of the world. By believing in Jesus, being baptized, and reaching out to every creature, we fulfill this commission and participate in God’s redemptive work in the world.

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